
The Roadmaps towards Sustainable Energy futures (RoSE) project aims to provide a robust picture on energy sector transformation scenarios for reaching ambitious climate targets. A broad and systematic exploration of decarbonization scenarios for the energy system is indispensable for better understanding the prospects of achieving long-tern climate protection targets. RoSE is assessing the feasibility and costs of climate mitigation goals across different models, different policy regimes, and different reference assumptions relating to future population growth, economic development and fossil fuel availability, in order to provide vital insights into the overarching policy question: What are robust roadmaps for achieving a sustainable global energy future?

Funded by Stiftung Mercator, coordinated by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (Project chair: Prof. Ottmar Edenhofer; Project director: Dr Elmar Kriegler), and with the participation of 5 leading integrated assessment modeling teams from the EU, U.S. and China, and 4 domain experts on energy security, energy access, fossil resources and the transport sector, the project is running over a period of three years (2010-2012).

RoSE aims to produce a large scenario data base and a series of research papers that can serve as a key input to international climate policy assessments, like the IPCC 5th Assessment Report.

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